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Normal stuff as link freefalls wearing a lizalfos mask.

Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

This isn’t a scripted end to the slideshow. This is genuinely one of the last screenshots I found in the pile of 287 from which I was compiling this post, and when I looked at it, my honest thought was:

“I don’t care how much this game gets wrong. Because it does this.”

Not specifically the freefalling, although that’s great. And not that you can get hilarious hats, although they bring me unending joy. But that this beautiful, enormous, breathtaking game is capable of such irreverence at the same time as being so masterful. So for as awful as the climbing is, and it is, and as much as the one-hit kills infuriate me, and they should, they just can’t chip away at the innate ten-out-of-tenness of this The Legend of Zelda: Apostrophes of the Kingdom.


Although Link is undeniably a terrible person.

You got that, idiot?!

Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku


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