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June 18th is International Sushi Day! Have Sushi and some jokes!

My girlfriend hated my obsession with Japanese food.
Sushi left me.

Q: What is my preferred type of sushi?
A: Payroll.

Q: What did the sushi say to the bee?
A: Wasabi!

Q: What pan is the best to make sushi in?
A: Japan.

Q: How do sushi rolls apologize?
A: They “soy-rry.”

Q: Why don’t Wookies like sushi?
A: They think it’s a little Chewie.

Q: What do you call a mermaid in a wheelchair?
A: Sushi roll.

Q: What did the sushi say to the sushi chef?
A: “I’m on a roll!”

Q: HoW does Lady Gaga like her sushi?
A: Ra-ra-raw-raw Ra-ra-raw-raw.

Q: How do sushi rolls stay calm under pressure?
A: They practice “maki-ng” wise decisions.

Q: What kind of car did the famous sushi chef drive?
A: A Rolls Rice.

Q: Why didn’t the sushi chef want to talk about the restaurant accident?
A: Because it was still very raw.

Q: What’s a soldier’s favorite type of sushi?
A: A combat roll.

Q: Why was the sushi detained?
A: He seemed fishy.

Q: When asked why he enjoys being in a sushi roll, what did the fish respond?
A: “It makes Miso happy,” he remarked.

Q: What did the one sushi roll say to the other during a friendly dinner?
A: “We’re ‘soy’ good together!”

Q: Why did the sushi go to the beach?
A: Because it wanted to become a California roll!

Q: When does the sushi chef spread Nutella on top of the salmon roll?
A: When customers request salmonella!

Q: Why did the sushi roll down the hill?
A: Because it couldn’t roll up.

Q: Why do lions love sushi?
A: Because it’s roar!

Q: What do you call sushi that’s on sale?
A: A raW deal.

I asked my mum to buy me some raw fish for tea…
Sushi did!

Sushi addicts never argue,
they just roll with it.

Q: What do you call sushi with a tie?
A: So-fish-ticated

Q: What did the sushi say to the traveler?
A: You can’t sushi the world without me!

Why makes this Joke funny?

“My girlfriend hated…”
This joke plays on the word “sushi,” which sounds like “she.”Sushi left me” sounds like “she left me.”

“What is my preferred…”
This joke is a pun on the word “roll” in “payroll” and sushi “rolls.”

“What did the sushi…”
This joke uses wordplay with “wasabi,” a Japanese condiment. “Wasabi” sounds like “what`s up, bee?”.

“What pan is the…”
The humor here comes from the play on words between “Japan” (the country) and “a pan.”

“How do sushi rolls…”`
This joke combines “soy” (as in soy sauce) with “sorry.” It`s funny.

“Why don’t Wookies…”
This joke plays on the word “chewy” and “Chewie,” the nickname for Chewbacca, a character from Star Wars.

“What do you call…”
This joke combines the imagery of a mermaid (related to the sea and fish) and a “roll” in a wheelchair, creating a visual pun.

“What did the sushi…”
This joke uses the idiom “on a roll” (meaning doing well) and the literal “roll” of sushi.

“How does Lady Gaga…”
This joke references Lady Gaga`s song “Bad Romance” (“Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah”) and the fact that sushi is often raw.

“How do sushi rolls…”
This joke uses the word “maki” (a type of sushi roll) to play on the phrase “making wise decisions.”

“What kind of car…”
This joke is a pun on “Rolls Royce” (a luxury car brand) and “rice,” a key ingredient in sushi.

“Why didn’t the sushi chef…”
This joke uses the word “raw” to describe both the state of sushi and the sensitivity of the accident topic.

“What’s a soldier’s favorite…”
This joke combines “combat” (military term) with “roll” (type of sushi).

“Why was the sushi detained…””
This joke uses “fishy” (meaning suspicious) and the fact that sushi is made of fish.

“When asked why he enjoys…”
This joke plays on “miso” (a type of Japanese soup) and “me so” happy.

“What did the one sushi roll say…”
This joke uses “soy” (as in soy sauce) to play on “so good together.”

“Why did the sushi go to the beach…”
This joke refers to the California roll (a type of sushi) and the state of California, known for its beaches.

“When does the sushi chef spread Nutella…”
This joke combines “salmon” and “ella” to create “salmonella,” a type of food poisoning.

“Why did the sushi roll down…”
This joke uses the literal action of rolling down a hill.


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