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We just watched the Tetris movie.
It’s a blockbuster

My family is getting sick of me telling dad jokes 24/7.
Or should I say “they are sick of me telling dad jokes 3.428571428571429”?

When I was younger I had a job pretending to be a statue.
I held that position for some time.

The new thought-activated car they’re working on is going to be even more popular than the voice-activated one.
It goes without saying.

My wife is one of the clumsiest people I know.
I’m so glad she fell for me

I have two questions about this Taylor Swift lady:
What kind of clothes does she make? And how fast does she make them, really?

I can’t think of a time when I lost my toupee while riding a motorcycle.
At least not right off the top of my head.

What do you call a 400 pound alcoholic?
A heavy drinker.

Why makes this Joke funny?

Each of these jokes utilizes a form of wordplay, pun, or unexpected twist that creates humor. Let`s break them down:

  1. Tetris Movie Joke:

    “We just watched the Tetris movie. It`s a blockbuster.”

    Humor: This joke plays on the double meaning of “blockbuster.” In one sense, it refers to a very popular and successful movie. In another sense, it humorously refers to the video game Tetris, which is about arranging falling blocks.

  2. Dad Jokes Calculation Joke:

    “My family is getting sick of me telling dad jokes 24/7. Or should I say `they are sick of me telling dad jokes 3.428571428571429`?”

    Humor: This joke plays on the phrase “24/7” (meaning all the time) and humorously turns it into a mathematical fraction (24 divided by 7), which is unexpected and a typical example of a `dad joke` – a pun or simple humor.

  3. Statue Job Joke:

    “When I was younger I had a job pretending to be a statue. I held that position for some time.”

    Humor: This joke uses a play on words. “Held that position” refers both to maintaining a physical stance (like a statue) and to keeping a job for a period of time.

  4. Thought-Activated Car Joke:

    “The new thought-activated car they`re working on is going to be even more popular than the voice-activated one. It goes without saying.”

    Humor: The phrase “it goes without saying” is a play on words, as a thought-activated car would literally operate without verbal commands (saying anything).

  5. Clumsy Wife Joke:

    “My wife is one of the clumsiest people I know. I`m so glad she fell for me.”

    Humor: This joke uses a double entendre with the phrase “fell for me,” which can mean both falling in love and literally falling due to clumsiness.

  6. Taylor Swift Joke:

    “I have two questions about this Taylor Swift lady: What kind of clothes does she make? And how fast does she make them, really?”

    Humor: This joke is based on taking the name “Taylor Swift” literally. A “tailor” is someone who makes clothes, and “swift” suggests doing something quickly.

  7. Toupee Motorcycle Joke:

    “I can’t think of a time when I lost my toupee while riding a motorcycle. At least not right off the top of my head.”

    Humor: This joke uses a pun on “top of my head,” referring both to the literal location of a toupee and the metaphorical use of the phrase to mean recalling information.

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Joke of the day – 7 Funny short jokes to wake you up

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