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A tired u.s. army veteran is looking for a seat on a busy British train.
He can’t find a seat so he walks up to a British lady and asked “ma’am may I use your seat?”.
The British lady responded with “can’t you see my puppy is sitting here? How rude are you Americans are.” .
The army and walks off and tries to find another seat after a couple minutes of searching he walks back up to the lady and says “please, ma’am, may I have your seat. I am very tired.” .
The woman says “how inconsiderate of you to ask me again” the man then calmly walks up and throws the dog out of the train window and sits dow. The woman starts screaming and demanding that the man be punished
, her husband walks up and says “you Americans are doing everything wrong
you drive on the wrong side of the road
you use the wrong utensils to eat,
and now
you’ve thrown the wrong bit** out of the window.”

Why makes this Joke funny?

  1. Cultural Stereotypes: The joke sets up a contrast between a U.S. Army veteran and a British woman. There are already cultural differences and stereotypes at play regarding how Americans and British might behave or perceive each other.
  2. Expectation/Subversion: The audience might expect the man to remain polite or find another way to get a seat, but he subverts this expectation by throwing the dog out of the window.
  3. Play on Words: The punchline involves a play on the word “bit**,” which is a term for a female dog, but can also be a derogatory term for a woman. The husband is suggesting the man should have thrown his wife (the “wrong bi**”) out of the window


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Joke of the day – No seat on train

is the best Joke for Monday, 30 October 2023 from site Jokes of The Day – No seat on train.

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