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First Monday in September is Labor Day, enjoy Monday Off.

I had a joke about Labor Day…
unfortunately it didn’t work out

Did you hear the joke about Labor Day?
It really doesn’t work for me.

What’s a laborer’s favorite exercise?

Have some jokes during 3 day weekend and check out some older Older Labor day jokes Read more on page:

Why do locksmiths work on Labor Day?
Because they are key workers.

Why is it cheap to have zombie employees?
Because they don’t need a living wage.

What did the employee say at the end of the long weekend?
I guess it’s back to the grind!

What do you usually do on Labour Day?
As little as possible, just like every day!

Why makes this Joke funny?

1. I had a joke about Labor Day…

Humor Explanation: This joke is a pun. The phrase “didn`t work out” typically means something didn`t go as planned, but here it’s a play on the word “work,” tying into the theme of Labor Day, a day that celebrates labor but ironically involves not working.

2. Did you hear the joke about Labor Day…

Humor Explanation: Similar to the previous one, this joke uses a pun on the word “work.” The phrase “doesn’t work for me” usually means something isn’t suitable, but in the context of Labor Day, it plays on the idea of not working on a day dedicated to labor.

3. What’s a laborer’s favorite exercise…

Humor Explanation: This joke plays on the double meaning of “workout.” It’s a common term for exercise, but when split into “work-outs,” it suggests that laborers engage in “work” exercises as their favorite form of physical activity, tying it back to the labor theme.

4. Why do locksmiths work on Labor Day…

Humor Explanation: This joke is a pun on the term “key workers.” Locksmiths deal with keys, so they’re literally “key” workers, but the term “key workers” also refers to essential employees who are crucial to keeping services running, even on holidays.

5. Why is it cheap to have zombie…

Humor Explanation: This joke plays on the word “living.” Zombies are undead, so they’re not “living,” and therefore they don’t require a “living wage,” which is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet basic needs. The humor lies in the twist on the concept of “living.”

6. What did the employee say at the end …

Humor Explanation: “Back to the grind” is a common phrase meaning to return to work or routine after a break. The joke humorously captures the feeling of returning to work after the Labor Day holiday, which many people dread.

7. What do you usually do on Labour Day…

Humor Explanation: This joke is funny because it contrasts the idea of Labor Day, a day that celebrates work, with the concept of doing as little as possible, which suggests laziness. The punchline implies that the person doesn’t work hard any day, adding a layer of irony.

Each joke plays with the concepts of work, labor, and the irony of having a day dedicated to labor that often involves not working. The humor comes from wordplay, puns, and the contrast between the expectations of work and the reality of enjoying a day off.


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