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Gunfire Games

But as me and my friend fought our way through Remnant II’s corrupted world, there was one point where my dog was overwhelmed in a fight, and they were knocked into an unconscious state. I sprinted over to their limp body to revive them, and that’s when fear for my dog’s mortality gripped me more firmly than any of my foe’s clutches could muster. I played through the demo wondering if there was a point where my dog might not get up if I revived them. Was there a limit to how many times they could withstand a depleted life bar before it wouldn’t refill?



I turned to the Gunfire Games representative at the demo and asked, “Does the dog die?” He laughed, and assured me that they wouldn’t. Not even in the plot. Now that I’ve been assured Remnant II isn’t an elaborate Marley & Me spin-off masquerading as a Soulslike, I’m excited to see the full game come together on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Kotaku is covering everything Summer Game Fest, from the main show on Thursday to other events happening throughout the next week. Whether you’re into larger-than-life triple-A games or intimate, offbeat indies, you can keep up with all things SGF here.


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