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This is a classic Cajun joke. A pirogue is a shallow flat bottom boat common in Louisiana.

Ol’ Thibodeaux was sitting on his porch one day lookin over da bayou, when he spied ol’ Boudreaux comin by in his pirogue. He said, “Boudreaux, what you got in dat boat wit you?”

Boudreaux said, “I got me some duck tape.”

“Where you going wit dat duck tape?” asked Thibodeaux.

Boudreaux said, “I’m going down to da marsh.”

“What you gonna do with duck tape in da marsh?

“I’m gonna catch me some ducks.”

“Now, hold on, Thibodeaux, you can’t catch with no ducks with no duck tape.”

“Well you watch me.” says Boudreaux, and he goes on by.

A few hours later, Boudreaux comes back from da marsh with a big pile of ducks in his pirogue, and he just waves at Thibodeaux.

Da next day, Boudreaux passes again, and dis time, he’s got a box of nutra-sweet in the pirogue. Thibodeaux says, “Boudreaux, where you going wit dat nutra-sweet?”

Boudreaux says, “I’m going down to da marsh to catch me some nutria rats.”

“Now hold on, Boudreaux.” says Thibodeaux. “You can’t catch Nutria rats with Nutra sweet.”

“Well you watch me.” says Broudreaux, and he goes on his way.

A few hours later, Boudreaux comes back, and he has a big pile of Nutria rats in his bayou. He just waves as he passes Thibodeaux.

The next day, Boudreaux is passing by Thibodreaux again, and Thibodeaux says, “Hey Boudreaux, where you going today?”

Boudreaux says, “I’m going into town.”

“Well what you got in dat boat with you?”

Boudreaux answers, “I got me some pussy willows.”

“Now hold, Boudreaux.” says Thibodeaux. “I’ll get my hat and go wit you.”


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