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Schiza / Blizzard

On Reddit and YouTube, players are sharing clips of Darcel spawning 20 or more versions of himself in seconds. These clones are all as powerful and deadly as the original, and can quickly—like a demonic swarm of locusts—overwhelm even the most powerful players.



“I went to kill Darcel and there was like 200 of him standing there, fix?” posted one user on Blizzard’s official Diablo forums. Another player jokingly posted a clip of the glitch on the Diablo subreddit, adding that they “did not expect Diablo IV [to be] this hard” and that it was “one too many Darcels for me.”

Kotaku has contacted Blizzard about the bug.

Some players are reporting that Darcel will just spawn forever, causing crashes or making it impossible to finish the quest. Some have had luck defeating Darcel, the neverending monster, by killing the original Darcel before he can spawn far too many copies of himself.


While this bug is pretty damn funny to watch, I can imagine someone playing a hardcore-mode character (which has only one chance at life, and is gone forever upon death) finding this bugged quest and screaming in terror as they realize, far too late, that they are about to get wrecked by a clone army of Darcels. RIP to those poor souls.


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