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On 5th October we appreciate our educators with World Teachers’ Day! Here are some light-hearted teacher jokes:

Why did the math book look sad?
Because it had too many problems.

Teacher: Give me a sentence beginning with ‘I’.
Student: I is the…
Teacher: Remember you must say ‘I am’ not ‘I is’.
Student: All right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Q: Who’s the king of the classroom?
A: The ruler.

Q: What’s the longest word in the dictionary?
A: Smiles. Because there’s a mile between the first letter and the last.

Teacher: Why are you late for school?
Student: Because of a sign down the road.
Teacher: What does the sign have to do with you being late?
Student: The sign said, “School Ahead, Go Slow!”

Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses on the first day of school?
A: She heard her classes were super bright!

Teacher: If I had 8 oranges in one hand and 10 apples in the other hand, what would I have?
Student: Big hands!

Teacher: We will only have a half-day of school this morning…
Students: Yay!!!!
Teacher: Then we will have the other half this afternoon.

Teacher: What is the most common phrase used in school?
Student: I don’t know!
Teacher: Correct!

Teacher: What are two pronouns?
Student: Who? Me?


Why makes this Joke funny?

1. Why did the math book look sad?

The joke is a pun that plays on the word problems, which could mean math exercises or life difficulties. The math book has too many problems in both senses.

2. Teacher: Give me a sentence beginning with ‘I’.

The humor arises from the student taking the instruction literally and humorously identifying I as the ninth letter in the word alphabet, defying the teacher’s expectations about sentence construction.

3. Who’s the king of the classroom?

The joke is a pun involving the word ruler. In one sense, a ruler is a tool used to measure lengths. In another sense, a ruler could mean a king.

4. What’s the longest word in the dictionary?

This joke plays on expectations. Smiles isn’t the longest word by letter count, but humorously, it’s suggested to be longest because there’s a mile between the s letters.

5. Teacher: Why are you late for school?

The student takes the Go Slow! warning on the sign literally as an instruction to slow down on their way to school, hence being late. The joke comes from this unexpected and literal interpretation.

6. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses on the first day of school?

The joke is a pun playing on the word bright, which can mean both intelligent and emitting much light. The classes are super bright in a way that they are very intelligent, but the teacher takes it as emitting light.

7. Teacher: If I had 8 oranges in one hand and 10 apples in the other hand…

The joke subverts expectations. Instead of answering a math problem, the student humorously points out that having so many fruits in one`s hands would imply they are very large.

8. Teacher: We will only have a half-day of school this morning…

The humor arises from the students misunderstanding the situation, thinking they will have a short school day, only to have their expectations humorously dashed when they realize they have to attend the entire day.

9. Teacher: What is the most common phrase used in school?

This joke involves irony. I don’t know is often used by students when they do not know an answer, and here it is humorously treated as the correct answer to the question.

10. Teacher: What are two pronouns?

The humor is in the unexpected and literal response. The student directly answers the teacher’s question with two pronouns (Who? Me?) instead of explaining what pronouns are, which is what most would expect.


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